Pretentious Words

If they really cared, they would be there

But now you look around and no one’s there.

Pretentious vain fellows they are – hypocrites

Speaking loud empty words that for their mouth aren’t fit.

Friends we be, say they. But why then alone do I be?

Could it be these words you speak you didn’t really mean?

You said we’d be friends – well okay then.

If we’re friends, when are we hanging out then?

If you are my friend can I call you tonite?

Or are you tired and your schedule too tight?

Is there anything in your definition of friends

That you offer me? Or was it cheap words instead?

Were those words you spake, truly precious

Or were they instead hollow and pretentious?

If actions are word’s confirmation and affirmation

Then your absence of them is surely condemnation.

Why speak what is not true, or speak half truths?

If you really meant your words, where’s the proof?

It’s okay though – I didn’t buy your pretence.

So even though your words are a lie – I take no offence.

I am one who has been waken from sleep, eyes open

I’ve been fooled once before by promises broken

When I was barely conscious but now I’m planning to die

With both eyes open, even if it hurts, I choose truth over lies.

Don’t think me fooled when you say, we’re friends.

I know there’s a short distance between friends and fiends.

Truth be told, I forsaw this day, I have no fears.

I’d rather live in truth with no one near

Than be surrounded by imaginary people who said

‘We’re here!’ Yet only attend your funeral of death.

Dear Citizen

Dear Citizen of the blessed land of Australia
For whom do you vote this September?
Or are you too focused on the lies of December?
What are you looking for? A leader?
A pleaser? Or a pop-singer?
Don’t you ever wonder, where comes the gold,
That they promise you when it’s all o’er?
Doesn’t history teach, the more you get,
The greater will be the debt?
What is has been, is, and will be.
War and peace, it’s a trend of history.
In war, fight for you life.
In peace, prepare for the pain and strife.
So who are you voting for? Disarmament?
Someone who defies militaries Ten Commandments?
Dear Citizen, open your eyes and ears,
See afar and listen hard – and you will see my fears.
Who are you voting for? A man with blatant lies?
Who wins by his image in the public’s eyes?
Or are you like the creature on the road,
Dazzled by the highbeam, prelude of impending woe.
Rome was never conquered because it was weak.
Take a close look – It was the depravity, the wine, and meat.

Whisper Me Lies


Softly sing me a lullaby, whisper me a lie.

As I lie awake, sing me to sleep tonight.

Sing me a lie, something made of straw-

Give me tinted glasses so I won’t see my sores.

My blindness: I cannot see, but mirages in front of  me.

The rock is nothing but a thin crust o’er a yawning pit.

Whisper me lies, cause I can’t bear the pain:

Even if it kills me, I don’t want to change.

Whisper me lies, tell me it’s all alright.

Let me have some peace of mind so I can sleep tonight.

Don’t tell me that my world is falling apart, don’t break my heart.

Don’t tell me I’ve lost my soul, don’t tell me the wretch thou art.

Even if you do, I will shout and drown you out.

In my twisted vision, I will turn truth and lies about.

Truth into lies, and lies into truth, whisper me lies

Something pleasant so I may sleep tonight.

Will I sleep tonight?


Story behind the poem:

Way back, hundreds of years ago, in a public trial, the judge cried out, “What is truth?”

His question still echoes today. But for the majority, there is now a new question: “Do we want the truth?”

Everywhere I look, I see lies. And bare-faced ones at that. I see people make statements, that are then whizzed around the web, which have no credibility, just a false sense of security. One day, all the lies will collapse. If we aren’t careful, we will find ourselves falling with them.



I’m a dark seeker, creature of the night.

I scream and run when exposed to light.

Here, cloaked in darkness, you cannot see

The filth and the sores that plague me.

Yeah, I know that they’re killing me inside

But I don’t want others to see them so I run and hide.

Though the remedy is always there, ready and waiting,

I refuse to come out so my disease can be taken.

I’m letting it kill me, cause the light might show me up,

All my filth and disease – to be healed is too much to ask!

My silly pride is getting in my way. I love this curse,

And though it kills me, I hold on, even though it hurts.

The light is promising to set me free,

But hold on, cause I got some valuables here!

I don’t like the truth, cause it tells me I gotta change my life,

So I’m gonna sit here and cling to my lies.

Comfortable here cause I see naught

Shunning a liberty that cannot be bought,

I love the night, cause my deeds are evil

And if I walk into the light, they will be see through.

Hiding here, in my cave:

With no one else to blame.


Story behind the poem:

Based on Joh_3:19  And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

The term ‘darkseeker’ comes from the movie “I am legend”. Darkseekers were people who were infected with the virus that turned them into zombies. If they came out into the light, they would die. And in case you were wondering, they looked hideous. 😛

Why is it that people love darkness (figuratively speaking) rather than light? Why is it that people will chose lies over the truth? Unfortunately, it’s because our deeds are evil, and we are too blind or too proud to admit it.


Another Pretty Face

Flick your hair, wink your eyes:
Still won’t keep the truth shining through the lies.
You’re so sweet and sexy, it’s hard to resist.
But deep inside, you harbour things I detest.
I use to care about you, let you get through.
But now i’m finally free. I’m over you.
Don’t care if you’re Venus, a creature from another place-
Now you’re just another pretty face.
Nothing special no more, just another picture on the wall;
There’s so many pretty faceless faces, another won’t change it all.
So many i could pick and try,
Why I’d waste time on you, i don’t know why.
Just like the crowd in the marketplace-
You’re just another pretty face, just another pretty face.


Story behind the poem:

My basic reaction to girls now: You’re just another pretty face. Don’t flatter yourself. It takes more than beauty to make a real person. There are many girls I know, who are ‘just another pretty face.’

“. . . . for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.”  1 Samuel 16:7