Descent into Hell

They say some fall to hell in a waste basket.

But not so many as slide there with good intentions yet regrets.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions

Glory of words with not enough justification of actions

So gradual we hardly see our feet gradually slipping

Till hell’s toxic atmosphere we suddenly breathe

And now our souls are crushed by the darkness – the absence of light

When all that is love, life, and right is swallowed up by a tangible night

The irresistable urge of our depraved desires and fallen inclinations

A veneer of civilization atop that of pure degradation

We now slowly drift towards the bottom – eternal death our destiny

Tortured by our failure and God’s absence for eternity.

We flounder and fail – for this path to Hell is slippery

And at every turn we find ourselves affronted with treachery

Agh, if only we had known – that no matter how noble the deed

Or how good it seems – there’s a hook when the devil whispers in your ear

Just a little to the left, just sit back and relax. Let gravity take up the slack

And you’re drifting down to Hell’s gates with slim chance of getting back

Devils clinging onto your ankles, begging you to stay

You’d run, but they appear as angels come to whisk you away

So to their lying tongues you listen, and further into the lion’s cave

Till suddenly they transform and reveal their real shape

And now you find yourself lost in an ever spiralling abyss

Desperately trying to climb back out, drowning in the darkness

Beyond the Darkness


Just because I’m in the night
Doesn’t mean I don’t love the light
Just right now, my world is dark
Dark like the blackest night – tis truth stark
When one might as well have no sight
Oppressive and forboding,
Crushing the soul, body, and mind
So thick that you could sink in it and die
Flounder at the bottom in your misery
But I’ve had a vision of a place
Filled with glorious light
So beautiful – full of peace
Everything that we ever seek
Where treasures are hidden
Of which we cannot speak
Marvellous things untold now unfold
Swallowed up in glorious light
I never saw what was inside this place
Just the joy it brought my weary face
And all I know is this place
Is beyond where the darkness abates
Beyond the darkness, beyond the night
Is a place filled with glorious light
Just beyond the hill, where I can’t see
Is the place of light I long to be
Beyond the darkness – beyond the pain, misery, strife
Is a place where there’s love and life
Out of view, just where I can’t see
Somewhere out in front of me
I’ve seen the end in a vision – despite the night
Beyond the darkness is a glorious light

Photo by Helena Ruiz




It’s cold outside and it’s raining,

But the people in hypnosis think the sun’s shining.

The grisly grim reaper’s reaping

He’s standing in shadows but we ain’t weeping!

This whole world is headed out and we are dying,

But we are dying here thinking we are living!

There ain’t no ain’t no lights a-showing

And though we know, we don’t see where we’re going.

And no matter how hard we fall, we don’t stop what we’re doing.

This deterioration shows no signs of slowing.

The brazen fires of hell are a-glowing

In a wicker basket down to hell we’re going.

Can’t nobody see where we’re really heading?

This ain’t the hand of God, it’s just ourselves slipping

In the mire of death that we ourselves are creating –

And now we’re wondering why all these things do happen

But the danger must be growing,

Because the light is fast fading,

The darkest night we’ve seen is coming –

Is it black, is it white? Is it sunny, is it raining?

Are we really suffering heat wave or is it snowing?


Story behind the poem:

A remake on Willa Wonka’s freaky passage when they’re on the boat in the tunnel.

Great movie by the way. Hope you enjoy my remake. 😀





Swirling mists, smoke and mirrors.

Masses of mourning people weeping-

Cemeteries of vanquished heroes.

The lost leaderless be wailing.


The darkness suffocates the soul,

The people sit longing for a hero to rise.

The flickering lights do grow old-

Now feeble minds raise eyes to a stormy sky.


Into the clouded heavens they gaze

As into an endless abyss they plunge.

They cry in despair, veiled in haze.

Cursing the deeds of old that were done.


Rubble and ashes, buried in smoke.

We mortals are but shadows and dust.

Shattered jars of hope!

We are undone, oh woe, woe is us!


The dragons and owls scream, the prophets lie.

Broken down ruins, woe is me!

Without a vision, the people die!

In despondency we let run the powers that be.


But hark, oh mortal, from the shadows of devastation,

And from the deepest depths of darkness,

Will come the fire of a nation.

From among the devastation, will rise one of the best.


From the ashes, will a hero rise!

A giant, a lion, an unstoppable fury!

A man who walks through the fire!

From the darkness . . . will a hero rise.


Story behind the poem:

I’ve been watching the Dark Knight Rises. 😀



picture by Mateusz Stachowski


I’m a dark seeker, creature of the night.

I scream and run when exposed to light.

Here, cloaked in darkness, you cannot see

The filth and the sores that plague me.

Yeah, I know that they’re killing me inside

But I don’t want others to see them so I run and hide.

Though the remedy is always there, ready and waiting,

I refuse to come out so my disease can be taken.

I’m letting it kill me, cause the light might show me up,

All my filth and disease – to be healed is too much to ask!

My silly pride is getting in my way. I love this curse,

And though it kills me, I hold on, even though it hurts.

The light is promising to set me free,

But hold on, cause I got some valuables here!

I don’t like the truth, cause it tells me I gotta change my life,

So I’m gonna sit here and cling to my lies.

Comfortable here cause I see naught

Shunning a liberty that cannot be bought,

I love the night, cause my deeds are evil

And if I walk into the light, they will be see through.

Hiding here, in my cave:

With no one else to blame.


Story behind the poem:

Based on Joh_3:19  And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

The term ‘darkseeker’ comes from the movie “I am legend”. Darkseekers were people who were infected with the virus that turned them into zombies. If they came out into the light, they would die. And in case you were wondering, they looked hideous. 😛

Why is it that people love darkness (figuratively speaking) rather than light? Why is it that people will chose lies over the truth? Unfortunately, it’s because our deeds are evil, and we are too blind or too proud to admit it.